Breathing head by toe with God.
One of my remarkable experiences as a little girl(it immediately swept into my gallery of remarkables to save) was when I was told of the unity of animalistic respiration and fotosynthesis.
It came as a dry old photocopied sheet smelling of chemicals like the ones we were given to sing from in the late seventies, but my own child brain immediately translated it into healing magic, wonder and deep truth. A true miracle indeed especially since it came from the mouth of the very same person that had been systematically deconstructing my univers during the last two years. Ever since we hadmoved into the community and I started school. The sad architect, as I had named him to myself had deconstructing it by constantely informing me about ”the scientific truth behind our childish perseptions” with a twisted grin over his lips, making his own son and my best friend nod regretfully with his all too heavy head.
«The univers is dying.”
«The sun will explode”
«The air is never clean, but filled with bacteria”.
You know... necessary truths like that.
And here was...
I immediately fell into tears. Tears of exhaustion, sorrow and at last consilliation with cosmos as I percieved it in my heart. The univers that constantly whispered to me through the rabelling chaos of all adults desitions, drama, betrails and needs of confirmation around me. At last, there it was. Unity, meaning, supporting sence to it all.
I pictured myself lying on my back under a big tree, every green leave of different design producing air and blowing it cheerfully and lovingly into my clean lungs and thankfully recieving my exhale, inhaling it for me to collect its next exhale as my inhale. I felt the roots of the tree holding the soil together under me and I felt love ever lasting. Lasting to eternity, infinity. I experienced my Sat Nam. My true essens as we say in Kundalini Yoga.
It was a powerful vaccination, confirmed through the years as I learned how to construct a 60 degrees angle from the constructor only, and that I could hold my breath and change my emotion. And lots of more. Lots, enough for the univers to support me, for me to hold my selv through child births, devorces, deaths of love dones, heart ace...
I was still breathing head by toe with God.
Today, as I prepare this mornings Kundalini Yoga class from Guru Rattanas ”Healing with feeling” program I do it with the innate gratitude of the child that kind a`know it all...
Bacause we do, we did, and we will again. Com on the mat with me or go to Guru Rattanas videoes on
Sat Nam